Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion
Look around the net. You can prolly find the deleted scenes.

Allow me to make a fool of my self talking about elastic string theories.

In the end of T2, in the real ending, we find out Judgement Day came and went, and never happened. If that was the case, how come John did not vanish the moment the T 101 800 hit the metal? He continued to exist, meaning that he sent Kyle back in time. Meaning that Skynet still exists. Kyle never new his father, so he stated. My opinion? John Connor is his own Grandfather. He new that he would need to be a clever genius to survive in the future, so he sent his own genes back in time to make sure this happens. Skynet realizes that the first terminator sent back in time needs to fail, so that it's technology can be used to ensure that he (Skynet) is created. Knowing this, Skynet "allows" the human resistance to gain access to a time teleporter. Now, knowing that his (Skynet) future is partially secure, he can safely kill John on the second attempt. Somebody, anybody is bound to actually create the Skynet Drone Project sooner or later, so Skynet would have access to the things he needs to take over the world. It is now "safe" to kill John. Skynet fails. Instead of JD happening in August 1997, time stretches out a bit (The Elastic String Theory) and happens at a later date, perhaps after John becomes a Senator. However, Cameron dumped the Terminator project.

Interesting Points. In both T1 and T2, the Terminators are still refered to as Cyberdine Systems models X. Meaning that Cyberdine is not as blown up as we think it was. I guess somebody only thought to blow up the home office. Also, as was clearly stated, what about Cyberdine's military half? It got it's funding from military budget.

Cameron was slowly plugging holes before he quit. There are plenty of hints and directions. Anybody that's seen the deleted scenes knows this, as well as the deleted scenes from T1. Kyle explains several elements in T1 that makes T2 make much more sense, but spoils much and implies to much of the planned sequel. Infact, directly from the deleted scene, we find out that Skynet is working on his redundancy plans, prolly implying that he (Skynet) knowing that he had to fail, had already set the events in T2 in motion, meaning that two different spots in time were both being distorted at once. Sarah even hints at this, asking if she will be hunted all her life if somehow, they succeed. Kyle replies, "Skynet is a machine. It will never give up, and if it can not get you now, then it will get you later." Kyle then makes some blub about why it only sends back one unit at a time and how arrogant Skynet can be, overconfident and secure in thinking it will win.

So, Skynet is a bit over cocky. Here is a Mechanical God, who is capable of churning out thousands of Terminator units from automated factories but only sends back one. Of course, Skynet would have to know of his own failure needing to happen as I have already mentioned, bringing us to an endless loop.

Ugh, my head hurts.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion - by Guest - 07-08-2003, 12:17 AM
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion - by Doc - 07-20-2003, 07:00 PM

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