08-25-2012, 07:42 AM
(08-25-2012, 03:28 AM)Taem Wrote: Anyways... minus the minor derailing (common occurrence here at the Lounge), I have more to add:
Are you aware of the conditions in which Anders Behring Breivik will be spending the next 10-21 (or more) years of his life? Are you seriously ready for this? I heard this on NPR and had to look it up to believe it: link
He gets three-roomy cells all to himself. In one cell is his bedroom and lavatory. In another, a moderate fitness gym. In the final, a study hall complete with laptop computer. This isn't a joke. And if what I'm reading from that linked report is also true, he gets access to a university education and can even write and publish books. I understand Norway's policy of rehabilitation, but this stretches the imagination of justice to it's limit... well, at least it does for me! I can't speak for the rest of you.
Edit: Found a more up to date link for you guys. Guess the first link was wrong about the university education: Link
Taem, I understand that in this particular case it looks (and probably is) unfair. He would indeed 'deserve' a death penalty; but the thing in a good justice system is that you can't change the rules on a case to case basis.
The Norwegian justice system is vastly superior to that of the USA, in the fact that the US system is solely based on revenge and does not care at all for trying to get people back in society (trying to make them better). So in general (on average) there is a good system in place....even though at this particular case everybody understand that death penalty or worse would be the most fair.