08-25-2012, 01:02 AM
(08-25-2012, 12:49 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote: I don't do cocaine. But regardless, this retort is basically a concession either I am right, or you have no legitimate argument other than logical fallacies and sarcastic remarks to try and back up your weakly constructed, and presumptuous claims. Or more likely, both.
Let me be honest here. You, my fellow Diablo 3 disliker (I just made that term up, like it?), are in need of serious life therapy. As such, I can't really argue with you, just as I do not argue with small children, drunks, the very old or the mentally insane.
Just think about this. Just the thought that you are posting what you posting without being killed, and having everyone you know and hold dear killed, means you know jack about communism.
Enjoy your delusions, it is easier that way. I'm done with this.
ps. Oh sure, you can claim that as I'm backing out of this discussion, means I have no valid argument.
I don't really care.
pps. Any of the admins feel that I am making a personal attack with my initial comment? I also don't care.
ppps. Time to go home. This, I do care about.