D3's difficulties get CNN coverage - again.
(07-13-2012, 09:32 PM)RedRadical Wrote: Mhm, we will see how much chuckling you do when you are in A3 Inferno. I've seen so far you have completed A1 only....which is a cake walk compared to A3 or even A2. And looking at your items, I very much doubt you found most of those yourself - it is easy to tell you have used the AH extensively, and with only 48 hours logged on that char, I will know you are lying if you say otherwise. I'd even venture to say that it is probable you have made more purchases on the RMAH than I have (And certainly the GAH just as much) - since A). the items you have would cost much more in gold that would require MUCH more time spent farming than only 48 hours of playing time would net you, B). because the drop rates on ilvl 62-63 items with the kind of stats on your gear are astronomically low, and on MY gear, the odds are even lower, and C.) My WD has slightly more hours of time logged than yours, somewhat lesser gear than yours, though mine granted hasn't used the RMAH at all (but has used the GAH a fair bit). Of course, I could be totally wrong, and you could be a complete statistical outlier that just got really lucky and found all that gear in a short amount of time, but I highly doubt it. So, you are really in no place to do any laughing my friend. And I promise you come A3, you REALLY won't be doing any laughing then, especially if you try with the gear you have on now. My guess is you are somewhere in the first half of A2, and finding it a bit rough, am I correct?

I've made it pretty clear that I love the AH, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I bought every single piece of my gear on there. Every single piece cost less than 100k other than my weapon & offhand (200k & 300k, respectively). You & I are tied for RMAH purchases- I bought something and flipped it, making 3x what I paid for it. Good gear is really not as expensive as you make it out to be.

I was laughing because you claim you were literally forced to buy something on the RMAH, and that just seems hilarious to me. I picture bulky guys in blue shirts coming to your house, tying you to a chair and coercing your Paypal info out of you, then holding you down while one of them forces your hand to move your mouse and click 'buyout', all while you're screaming bloody murder.

You're right, I can't speak to the difficulty of A3 because I haven't been there. I have been deep into A2 though, and I can honestly say that all of my deaths have been due to stupidity on my part and could have been avoided with smarter play. I don't care if I ever DO get to Act 3 or 4, I've had a hard enough time focusing on one character long enough to get to A2 Inferno. If it's too hard, I'll just do something else. I can only play a few hours each evening if that, so by the time I get to your /played time, I'll be 3 years into the game. Which is about 2 years 11 months longer than most games last me. I'd say I got my money's worth. Smile

I still think you need to step away from the game and/or forums for awhile. Having that much "passion" about a videogame is unhealthy.

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RE: D3's difficulties get CNN coverage - again. - by RTM - 07-14-2012, 12:58 AM

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