Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion
I have not seen T3 but have read several discussions about it.

Sounds like there are some major conflicts.

James Cameron was making T3. The arm and several bits left behind in T2 (Remember, he lost his arm in the gears, and left his shed skin back at Miles' house) is found by the military who picks up where Cyberdine left off.

The real ending for T2 shows John Conner becoming a Senator. This can be seen in a special edition directors cut 4 DVD that was only available through some special edition movie club. I have that 4 DVD set. T2 was originally going to be a 3 hours and 45 minutes movie with a small intermission in the middle. Many of the clipped scenes drastically changes how the future was meant to be.

In T2, we find out that Arnold was not a standard T unit. He to was an advanced prototype, but his full functions were not enabled. In the gas station scene, Sarah Connor slices open the back of his head, peels off the back of his scalp, pops off a metal plate, and pulls out an arrestor chip. This enables a special "learning mode" that allows him to become considerably more human. It also cuts back on his need to "terminate." He was stolen from the special unit factory before he could be fully programed, and then the factories teleporter was used to send him back in time with only minimal instruction and programing. In T2, Arnold was a special series of T units that were meant to mimic human behaviour to a greater degree and gather intellegence.

With out realizing it, John also brought about the rise of the machines, as we would find out. Arnold explains during a driving through the desert scene in that station wagon. When John becomes a Senator, he creates a special defense system to prevent nuclear war, and to prevent newly formed AI units from going rogue. It was infact, John, and his special committee that created the Hunter Killer Units. Skynet takes over their functions. HKs were meant to go abroad and hunt down nukes in rogue states, and used to police the now functioning robots incase of malfunction. Skynet does indeed plant a virus. It takes over this system as well as the satilite controls for earth's newest resident, cybernetic organisms. John, as we found out in this deleted scene, became the leader of the resistance trying to make ammends for his mistake.

Many scenes were deleted because they reveal to much about the future, namely, James' idea on how T3 should be. Then, he scrapped the program. The Terminator series was going to span a total of 5 films. The first two involved time travel backwards. T3 was was all about the rise of the machines. T4, according to James Cameron himself was about the future. Time travel technology was going to be used to send terminators forward in time and halt future progress so that the past would be protected. If you know what's happening in the present, or know how something should be turning out, you have to go forward to the future to ensure that certain things happen. T5 was an utter mystery, nothing at all was ever said about it anywhere, in any interview. Interesting concept though sending units forward in time to make sure that the past events happen. I guess a terminator was send forward in time to make sure a terminator was sent backward in time. One could become boggled if one thinks to deeply.

James not only cut the scenes, but, at the last minute, changed the ending. In that ending, we see Sarah driving off mumbling about the future, leaving everything intentionally vague.

The Terminator series had some serious Star Wars vibes going. I mean, there was this whole John Connor being Skynet's father sort of thing. Cyberdine created the AI program, it was John that layed the foundation, created the machines, and layed the goundwork for Skynet to take over. Infact, it was John that called it Skynet, from his network of HK machines patroling the globe keeping the world safe.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion - by Guest - 07-08-2003, 12:17 AM
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines Discussion - by Doc - 07-19-2003, 04:44 PM

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