(07-13-2012, 06:42 PM)Quark Wrote: You hate the game. Stop playing it.
I would agree. There's a population of us who are happy with it now, so I would rather it wasn't ruined for that population to make another population happy. Maybe it's not really for you (not 'you, Quark'), but, anyone who has made it to Inferno has gotten more worth out of D3 than most games with the same price.
Seems like a lot of people want the D2 faceroll experience again. I don't. I love the elite mini-game in D3, and the item drops seem about the same. Tons of trash, tons of rares that aren't really for my class, and the occasional nugget that makes it all worth it. I don't buy the great stuff off the AH and ruin that nugget for myself, either. My personal account isn't to Inferno yet, but my co-worker's DH is in Act 3 Inferno, and I enjoy playing it there a few hours a week after work at his place, even with the DH's specific issues. I have no trouble making gold by the truckload vs repair costs, even up at that level. I'm not a great twitch player, and any of you who played WoW with me know that I'm not as meticulous as Frag. I'm pretty much an average player, so I'm really not sure why some of you who claim to be great players have so much trouble post-nerf.
D2 really didn't have 'difficulty' as we know it in D3, even in Hell, because you could, as Elric mentioned, run a naked axe-wielding Amazon there. If you want the D2 difficulty and useful items by the truckload, TL2 is coming, and, you won't have to be unhappy about single-player lag, either. Of course, I wonder if TL2's multiplayer will turn into D2 Bnet's security nightmare. I hope not, but I fear it might.