I've recorded some numbers.
Level: 20
Dex: 151
Hover dodge: 11.28%
Listed dodge: 11.3%
Mantra: 24.6%
Mantra+Activation: 35.9%
FL: 25.5%
FL+Mantra: 36.6%
FL+Mantra+Activation: 46.1%
Looks multiplicative to me just from looking at them. I've not done the calculations.
Level: 20
Dex: 151
Hover dodge: 11.28%
Listed dodge: 11.3%
Mantra: 24.6%
Mantra+Activation: 35.9%
FL: 25.5%
FL+Mantra: 36.6%
FL+Mantra+Activation: 46.1%
Looks multiplicative to me just from looking at them. I've not done the calculations.