just a quick heads-up: I started to play with my wizard, even though he lacks crowd control and an escape skill. Especially the lack of crowd control combined with being squishy makes for a different playing experience (so far I had played a barb and a witch doctor with pets). Having to kite some mobs in Act I normal is fun!
About two hours in, I'm level 10 (or 12? I forgot) and have just cleared the Misery Fields. I plan to do a more detailed write-up with a couple of screenshots when I hit the 5 hour mark, which I hope to achieve until Friday (didn't have much time to play this week ).
MonTy, I have sent you a friend request in-game - but now I wonder if this works across servers? I'm on the EU servers. Is there a way to see friend requests you sent out? Do you actually get a message if you try to befriend a player that doesn't exist?
just a quick heads-up: I started to play with my wizard, even though he lacks crowd control and an escape skill. Especially the lack of crowd control combined with being squishy makes for a different playing experience (so far I had played a barb and a witch doctor with pets). Having to kite some mobs in Act I normal is fun!
About two hours in, I'm level 10 (or 12? I forgot) and have just cleared the Misery Fields. I plan to do a more detailed write-up with a couple of screenshots when I hit the 5 hour mark, which I hope to achieve until Friday (didn't have much time to play this week ).
MonTy, I have sent you a friend request in-game - but now I wonder if this works across servers? I'm on the EU servers. Is there a way to see friend requests you sent out? Do you actually get a message if you try to befriend a player that doesn't exist?
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider