Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
Snide? Sorry if I came off that way, wasnt my intention.

Yes, Astral Presence is the one I was thinking of. AP is almost a given really for any Wiz if you ask me. I have to agree about Tap the Source, I was trying it out recently and its probably the way to go in the long run. That, along with Glass Cannon, AP, and Blur as your passives has to be one of the sickest all around builds. But Galvanizing Ward maybe worth considering over GC or Blur if you use Energy Armor alot, which I'm sure many Wiz's do. I certainly do, though I am undecided still if GW should be a cornerstone passive or not.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by FireIceTalon - 06-08-2012, 11:02 AM

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