Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
(06-03-2012, 02:19 AM)Ruvanal Wrote: I have to second this from some of my experiences with this from just today's run troughs on various characters. And there may be a bit of selective memory at work here too. Earlier I was running through NM act 2 with Magi and running into at times what seemed to be a dearth of health globe drops, but this was in part a matter of having that dearth at a time when they were really critical to survival. When you are not having a survival crisis, will you really be looking at how many dropped or not?

I have a feeling that there are multiple confounding factors when taking into account the issue of Health globes.

My instinctual response when I see a health globe drop is that it has something to do with how much damage was put into an enemy in a short period of time as I just remember the times they drop when I chunk a champion. This is most likely confirmation bias though.

I think it is more likely that each enemy has a chance to drop a health globe at a percentage life (75,50,25,Dead or something like that) excluding bosses which obviously work a bit differently. Something like this would give the appearance of rewarding high damage but in reality you are just chewing through a lot of enemies health really quick and racking up those % chance for globes to drop. This also means obviously that you will go through statistical lulls at times.

The other thing I would highly recommend as people advance upwards is to not automatically grab health globes when you don't need them. You never know when you are going to go into a tactical retreat and it's always nice to see the left over orbs along the path waiting for you.

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by Chesspiece_face - 06-03-2012, 03:39 AM

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