Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
Well the idea was stacking on almost all the life leech options, combined with neutering the enemies as much as possible. I'm trying to see if I have a hold on the flow of gameplay proper and understand which skills are more defencive or offencive (note: you may be missing some context here - I don't currently own a computer which can run D3, I'm mostly trying to get a grasp of strategies involved for my own future use and advice purposes. I devised a couple of D2 builds and was one of the first Clone Hunters in 1.10 - actually the first Lurker to kill him. So tactical discussions are endlessly fascinating to me. I'm working in theoreticals here. Wink )

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by ViralSpiral - 06-01-2012, 09:58 PM

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