Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
I've lurked forever, and it's fun to see names from way back again.

For what it's worth I'm enjoying my Barbarian through the beginning of act 1 Inferno so far. I've been able to keep the style of play I want even though I've been forced to pick some runes or skills that I didn't initially have in mind.

I decided I wanted to play a defensive oriented build with some mobility and crowd control that has the ability to go in and fight for a while then break off and engage again as necessary. I'm not trying to make a pure tank and I don't feel that I've been forced to. In particular I use leap most often to get away from trouble, I don't like Ignore Pain which seems very popular and I insist of using a fury dump skill for my secondary attack since I want the fury mechanic to be part of my character.

Not all Barbarian skills that give life back are equal, and refusing to use one of the better ones probably would make a build not viable. Early on I was using Rend with the life return rune to take care of crowds. At some point I decided I needed to swap in Revenge which does that job so so much better. I'd prefer it if I could use life gain from Rend or Whirlwind instead, but oh well.

I use the AH, but I don't think I've bought anything so rare that would support a claim that it would only be on the RMAH. I make about 100-200K gold a play session including selling of a few items I find, and I use that to shop for one item to upgrade for next time. If I put filters for Vitality, Strength, and Resist All and a limit of 50K I see a bunch of items listed. So while I'm not personally finding many upgrades they can't be all that rare.

I have many interesting pack fights. I certainly can't stand my ground against packs, but I don't feel like I'm kiting an excessive amount, and lots of interesting tactical situations arise. I like drawn out battles where I don't die but am rarely fully healed either, and I'm constantly having to think about when best to use my charge to get some more life back.

I know I'm going to hit a wall sometime, either at the start of act 3, or earlier. Although not ideal, I'm ok with that for now. It will be pretty far in, and I will have had a lot of fun along the way. There are certainly some warts, but I haven't found things to be completely broken.

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by ErickTheRed - 06-01-2012, 08:14 PM

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