Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
Well to me it isn't just beating, it also shouldn't be tedious. Ranged characters didn't have tedium for me in D2, and with the exception of some Paladin builds (including, yes, POST-LoD Zealots of several kinds), melee always did. Mind you I never played a Pikebarb when they were the done thing. I've tried every kind of mastery, dual wielding, two handing, sword-and-board, and I've had every skill except Increased Stamina, Natural Resistance, Leap and Bash at 20 at some point. And every time I ended up with a tedious build. Paladins at least had their utility belt of auras for fixing a lot of dismal situations. I even enjoy Weredruids (of either kind) to a point. But melee 'Sins and Barbs are just plain tedious, and that shouldn't be. The Warrior was never tedious. Might be your experiences were different, though. Games should be fun.

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by ViralSpiral - 06-01-2012, 02:19 AM

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