Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
I have to admit, I see a LOT more posts about successful WD/AH/Wiz characters in Hell/Inferno than Monk/Barb. But like I said just a couple of days back, Blizzard has historically been pretty bad at balancing melee, outside WoW. And I'm sure that it's a fine line to walk between a melee class that can tank all day and one that won't last ten seconds against six random enemies, but these are supposed to be professionals. This one franchise has been around sixteen years. They should have their stuff together by now.

Offhand, the best I can think of is a skill that increases your damage resistance if you're struck X times in Y seconds - good for tanking mobs, where you'll get hit the required number of times, but useless against bosses. Or perhaps the inverse, if bosses are the bigger problem - a skill that causes the first attack every 2 seconds to automatically miss. Ignores around half the hits from a single target, but nearly useless if you're swarmed.

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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by ViralSpiral - 05-31-2012, 02:11 AM

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