(05-29-2012, 02:29 PM)Bolty Wrote: - you're probably going to go look somewhere else. Torchlight II, anyone?
I wish this worked, but IMO after playing both betas, D3's core gameplay is vastly deeper, in terms of offering meaningful combat tactics and tensions, and actual decisions for skill use versus constant spam. TL2 is not D3 minus the stupid things, it barely even measures up to the Diablo 2 it sticks closely to. Maybe some extensive mods can work some magic, but as-is it does not deliver nearly the same experience.
We also know absolutely nothing about the "endgame" there. There's no reason to think the game has much more legs than TL1 which didn't even have high level items. There hasn't even been any talk of a hell-difficulty equivalent, only NG+in elite mode. Even the nostalgic D2 skill tree that forced so many rerolls is being reworked right now and some kind of respec will be offered in the final release.
Don't let this dissuade you from checking out the game, it's only $20, and if you liked TL1, the 2nd one is vastly improved, plus multiplayer. I just warn people not to expect "hey this is basically the same as D3 minus all that AH, real money, online only crap" because the core gameplay is very different, as is the sheer amount of content.