12-05-2011, 10:21 AM
(12-05-2011, 10:12 AM)Jester Wrote: As a German professor at my university has pointed out: can we think back to a time when it was the Germans that had corrupt governments and mountains of debt that they were failing to pay? Shouldn't be too hard.
I agree with that. Lending will still be fine for me (especially because good governments can actually make money from this), but on the other hand it is pretty hard to explain people why we should come up with a big rescue package to a country where most people own their house (so they have no mortgage).
Italy (and Greece) were corrupt before joining the eurozone so mistakes were made already then.
Now again big cuts are made in Italy, but the simple folks who actually pay taxes are the ones paying for this while all the smart guys can keep evading. Italians need to demand change but usually they are to busy eating or drinking coffee. And if it wass just them, that is fine but that the rest of europe now needs to pay for it is getting annoying.