(10-17-2011, 06:35 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Its one big ponzi-scheme system, designed to shell out wage slave after wage slave to create a caste system of serfs and/or indentured servants to fund the war and oil machine, so politicians, bankers/hedge-fund managers, and transnational corporations continue suck the blood of the poor and what is left of the middle class (not much).
You do realize, don't you, that there has never been a time in America's [discovered] history where we haven't "used" a lower class of people to do our dirty work? From the native Americans, to negro slaves, to Mexican immigrants, to exporting business overseas. What your preaching is nothing new. So now the lower class wants to be elitists also with the coming of the twitter age? Well our economy was built on slaves and a lower-class, that much you will have to live with rather you like it or not. Altering that formula can and will result in catastrophic imbalance leading into Communism IMO. There must always be a lower-working class to support a higher-class. It has always been that way throughout history, and will always be that way. Everyone cannot be equal unfortunately, and forcing equality in wage pay, taxes, and other subsidiaries IS the heart and soul of Communism, and we all know how well that works out. Is that really what these Occupy Wallstreet gurus are asking for? Because the more I think about it, the more I read the posts here trying to explain what Occupy Wallstreet is all about, the more that is what it's sounding like. A ploy at equality equating to nothing more than Communism, plain and simple. Am I wrong?
EDIT: Sometimes I rant, and it all sounds good to me in the moment, but after an hour or two, I come back and read what I wrote and realize I was too brash. I apologize FireIceTalon if I came across as such. I was not trying to single you or your opinion out and I am grateful that you shared your example of the Occupy movement with me.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin