Mandibular and maxillary third molar extraction experiences...
Quote:How did wisdom tooth extraction go for you all?

Looks like I’m late to the discussion: glad to hear there were no problems. I didn't get much of a choice when mine were taken out at the age of 16. Based on x-ray, they were in plane with my other teeth, but rotated 90 degrees (so that they would be growing into the roots of the adjoining teeth). Except for the one that didn't seem to be much more than a bump on the mandible. I got the gas mask followed by the most worrisome thing in the world: missing time. Next thing I know, I'm stumbling out of the chair and into the next room. Following days were filled with OTC analgesics and trying to keep from tonguing the sutures on my gums. I have the same piles of tissue behind my last remaining teeth. Has lead to a full gold crown on one maxillary side (I cracked the porcelain one they tried first) and a partial on the back of the tooth on the other side.

Still the worst part was that missing time. Of the two times I've been "under" that has always been the worst part. Pain afterward hasn't been a problem, but the disorientation of ending in a different room than where you started, and having no memory of why: ugh.

Re: needle phobia: I've turned down free flu shots from my employer for years because of needle fears. I have to get up, walk out of my office, walk out of the company suite, go downstairs, and get a snack when they announce the start of injections on the day the contractor comes in. The first year, I nearly passed out in my desk chair when they made the announcement that vaccination would begin in the conference room in 10 min. I'm not allowed to take the kids to their well-visits on my own for fear that I'll drop when the nurse comes to vaccinate them.

but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!

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Mandibular and maxillary third molar extraction experiences... - by Maitre - 12-30-2009, 08:17 PM

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