It Finally Happened After 2 years, 8 months
I just recently found my first and only Stone of Jordan.

I was leveling my CL/Orb sorceress in Act 5 HC Hell with a nice big party. We cleared our way through the Infernal Pit (or maybe Abaddon?), and popped open the gold chest at the end. The drop that met us was quite a shock. Four unique items - a General's Tan do Li Ga (whoopdedoo), Brainhew (double whoopdedoo), Pompeii's Wrath (:rolleyes:), and a ring. I snatched up the ring as we headed back to town to drop off the loot.

After I ID'd the ring, and picked up my jaw from the floor, I announced it. The rest of the people went BERSERK. Only one or two of us had ever found a SOJ, so we were all quite pleased :)

Messages In This Thread
It Finally Happened After 2 years, 8 months - by CrescentWindX - 02-28-2003, 05:07 AM
It Finally Happened After 2 years, 8 months - by Guest - 02-28-2003, 06:12 PM

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