11-02-2009, 12:40 AM
Quote:I'm glad you asked, because I had this same problem with the Windows 7 Release Candidate and fixed it.
The color palette issue seems to be caused by the explorer shell (your Start Menu, Task Bar etc.) running in the background. The fix is a simple batch file in the Diablo folder that you launch Diablo with:
Code:@echo off
@taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
@echo To return to Windows, select this window and
@Start explorer.exe
Thanks. That is a very undesirable workaround in my opinion, but I suppose it would be better than trying to play with everything bright magenta.
Almost all of my Windows games work reasonably well in Vista 64 (except Chessmaster 5000 and Kings Quest VII) after some workarounds, and DosBox has made some nice advances for pre-Windows era stuff.