09-25-2009, 10:44 PM
Quote:5% through put from Divinity3%. You're putting 2 points into POJ you could put here.
Quote:extra Cooldown through Divine Sacrifice + Divine ShieldIt's a replacement cooldown. You can't use both because DS is the limiting cooldown with these abilities.
Quote:double duration Sacred Shield, + more absorption from Sacred ShieldHonestly this is probably the best all around feature of the spec.
Quote:Personal Damage reduction for AoE effectsOn another class I'd think it better but paladins have bubbles for times they are in trouble.
I didn't say it was 'bad' I just said situational. I'm REALLY surprised to see Val'anyr users taking this spec. Our holy paladin loves this proc because he pretty much has a free pass on the next boss hit. The reason I think guilds are using this spec is probably for divine sac with hard mode twins and hard mode anub so once again: situational. There is just more healing potential with holy/ret. Holy/prot helps more where paladins are weak: AOE heals which the 2 hardest fights in the game now basicly require.