02-19-2009, 07:18 PM
Quote:That's hilarious! I assume you are wearing a Demonspike coat so that you have enough cash to buy an emmy tiger if one is offered? Also, how do you generate those pictures? Good luck finding the tower version.
That's actually a pure level 21 warrior. If he needs an extra 20 or 30k, he can scrounge it up in the catacombs. I'm sure the novelty of looking at ruthless club of gore and such will wear off long before I find any "ultimate" item, and I'll move on. So far, he's bought a holy shield of tiger (kite base 14), an obsidian helm of the lion, and a king's broad sword. Those are darn nice items for a level 21 warrior, but nothing truly superior to what you could get from Gris.
What I'd really like is the obs/mammoth headband.
Hitting the PrintScreen key during the game generates a screen shot in the Diablo directory in PCX format. You might need some basic image viewing or editing software to look at them or convert to jpg.