Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Wow Jester and Kandrathe, you both seem well versed (better than most on a public gaming forum anyway) when it comes to these kinds of things. A well of general knowledge. The 2012 crap aside (which I brought up as a joke, but do actively continue to research because it does interest me) I wanted to say my piece when it comes to this socialist government noise. As you know the stimulus bill has been passed and now all of the states are awaiting there cut. Know who else gets a cut? The same guys that got us into this mess. Guess who is going to be held responsible: Noone.

Let's us compare Bush and his war on 'turrorists' to Obama and the Financial Crisis (as a euphamism).

Bush within a few years of invading Iraq, toppled there regime and arrested Saddam Hussein. Yet this wasn't the guy we are after. In the 8 years of Bush's presidency he never found Bin Laden. Not because we couldn't, mind you, but because there is a far darker game of chess being played when it comes to the CIA funded Al-queda group and its chosen retard of a leader, Bin Laden (I apologize to all retards for the comparison).

Obama, on the other hand, upon making it into office has had a great many problems laid at his feet. Now this man doesn't have all the answers, so he is calling on all of the 'great minds' of America to help solve these issues. He preaches Bipartisianship and fairness yet has been pushing his own agenda maliciously. Judd Gregg, a respected grassroots republican senator from NH DECLINED Obama's request to serve as commerce secretary (or some such position under the president) surprising everyone and there mom. The senator stated that there were 'things that just could not be compromised' and that he did not feel right working with Obama. So much for bipartsianship. Why would a respected man like Gregg, who is coming to the end of his career as he gets up there in age, say "No." to the president? Simple, not all of us Americans are going to allow our country to go the way of the buffalo. Socialism can be used as a tool, but will not become our government. I am an independant, and I did vote for Obama... I'm really hoping I didn't make a mistake (not that'd matter anyway as the guy won via landslide).

So no, our country is not heading towards a socialist government. More or less an empowered Federal government, which isn't much better as I am a true believe in the States and there inherent power over the Federal government.

I guess only time will tell!
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--Alfred North Whitehead

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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by NicksLP - 02-14-2009, 10:59 PM

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