Does anyone have experience with streaming HD media to a flat-panel TV
I had a chance to play around with this and I finally got this working correctly by playing around with the Nvidia settings. The problem I was having was due to the fact that Nvidia likes to have monitor 1 on the left side, and my main computer monitor isn't on that side. My computer is to the right of the HDTV. I was erroneously setting a screen resolution of 1680x1050 on my HDTV instead of 1920x1080.

Once I realised this, I just had to set the Nvidia drivers to "dual view" with the HDTV as monitor 2 and my main monitor as #1, and just mentally adjust for when I drag windows over to the right (which ends up on my left, where my HDTV is).

Holy cow I just confused myself again by typing this out.

The point is I got it to work correctly, and I can send 1080p video to my 1080p HDTV. Now I just need to figure out the best way to send audio over to the HDTV's audio setup. I bought a pair of audio RCA cables and a headphone-to-RCA audio adapter, but I get the feeling that I should be using one of these fancy digital audio ports instead.

Messages In This Thread
Does anyone have experience with streaming HD media to a flat-panel TV - by DeeBye - 10-26-2008, 03:33 AM

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