Zaira Says Hi
So, a few months ago, I was running around the WoW servers seeing what I had where and logged onto Stormrage for the first time in who knows how long and was still met with welcome. Yay! I said at the time that I'd try to find time to log on there to play/chat once in a while but I haven't found time since to log on and play with my husband, let alone with you nice folks. That makes me a sad panda, but such is the life of a new mother. That brings me to the purpose of this post (other than saying hi!). I'd mentioned the newest addition to my family and that I'd share some pics. So, to Tal, Sabra, Bolty, Treesh, and anyone else who may remember Zaira, here's a pic of my little one. More available upon request. ;) (She loves to watch her daddy play WoW, so who knows... she may play herself someday if it's still around.)

[Image: 2844450884_cd9610dcd0.jpg]
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

Messages In This Thread
Zaira Says Hi - by Roane - 09-09-2008, 10:55 PM
Zaira Says Hi - by Tal - 09-09-2008, 11:20 PM
Zaira Says Hi - by Sabra - 09-10-2008, 01:59 AM
Zaira Says Hi - by Treesh - 09-10-2008, 06:13 AM
Zaira Says Hi - by Bolty - 09-14-2008, 11:10 PM

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