Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18
Quote:So you have to pay to "pre-order" the game, which doesn't guarantee you a copy of the game, and it allows you to participate in an "open beta"?

I dunno what your definition of "pre-order" and "open beta" are, but I'm getting all confused here:huh:

Its not 'my' definition, its Target's. Its still a pretty good deal, since you are getting all the benefits and a $5 off coupon, so if you decide to buy it in the end, you come out ahead $4. If you don't, you are out a dollar, and didn't have to wait for Mythic to come up with a free trial offer.

As far as Chesspiece's post, well, think of how interesting WoW is during your first two hours.

In my first two hours of WoW I get to ... kill some rats. Can't do crafting, can't do PvP. Can barely get out of the newbie zone, and probably can't get to other newbie zones to join my friends - okay, the alliance mostly can.

In first two hours of WAR, you could do some PvE...okay, killing 10 rats is killing ten rats. Or you could get involved in a Public Quest or 3, jump into PvP with both feet, fly off to one of the other two newbie zones to join your friends. More towards the end of that two hours I could get training in crafting, but that's not too impressive right now.

If you play WAR like you play WoW, don't expect much. Its not going to impress you enough to pull you away from WoW, and that was never the intent. Its decent, but we've all done WoW already, it won't be new. As far as the non-WoW stuff being 'questionable', I honestly don't understand what he means. The WAR unique features work well, do exactly what they are intended to do. For example, its possible to ignore the PvE, and just PvP, and level up doing so. You get loot and experience, you can buy gear at the warcamps. You could PvE and never do a regular quest - just do the Public Quests. Those can be fun, 3 different ones in the starting zone alone, and more in each new zone. Or mix and match, Pve/PQ/PvP - which I expect most people will. I can't personally vouch for the 'Living Cities' or the 'Living Guild' features, I didn't do anything with either of them during the Preview Weekend, but I hear good things about them from players that did.

I'd also consider his statement 'removing content left and right' to be a gross exaggeration.

Another note, yep, the graphics are limited. Oddly enough, that's due to the software still being in Beta. No, really, its beta software. Keep that in mind, they are still working on it, and will still be working on it come Sept 7th - when the Open Beta starts. Expect patches, bugs and more patches. This is not a Marketing Open Beta to generate buzz. Its a working beta, so please do submit any bugs you find. My personal opinion? If they fix two flaws (Pet AI got broke when they set up the Preview Weekend and level 10 PvP gear issue) - which they are working on - then the game is ready to go. It will be playable, enjoyable and will have the features they are promising, on launch day. Unlike, say, Age of Conan.

Messages In This Thread
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Bolty - 08-26-2008, 02:21 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Tris - 08-27-2008, 03:58 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by LtWarhound - 08-28-2008, 04:58 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 08-28-2008, 08:05 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Zich - 08-29-2008, 07:32 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-07-2008, 05:15 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-09-2008, 07:23 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-10-2008, 05:35 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-16-2008, 05:20 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-16-2008, 09:43 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-17-2008, 05:37 AM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Yless - 09-17-2008, 07:23 PM
Warhammer Online Release Date Sept. 18 - by Kevin - 09-18-2008, 03:44 AM

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