Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one
Some details on heroics/kara/ZA/beyond.

Guild heroics happen and generally just involve taking whoever wants to go instead of worrying too much about groups overly stomping a place. That being said, most heroic runs at this point do tend to be stomps. There isn't really any schedule for when heroics happen. It is mostly just a matter of enough being on, somebody asking/organizing a run, and enough of those on actually wanting to bother. So a lot depends on the moods of people. Some weeks hardly a heroic will happen and then other weeks there will be 2-3 a day. It is quite variable. One does tend to find that it is a certain subset of the guild that does heroics though so you develop a knowledge for when a run might happen based on the particular people who are on.

Anymore Kara and ZA are ran like heroics. People notice enough being on and try to get a run going. Sometimes there are also posts on the forums telling people that a person would like a run at a specific time/date, but I tend to find that isn't the majority option. Kara generally tends towards being a stomp for badges since most people are over-geared for it. Occasionally we do get groups with enough alts/less played characters that there are more issues though. So it is less the always stomp that heroics are. I can't say that there is a regular kara run that happens. It is largely dependent on what people are pushing for at any one time. 10 mans are also quite common as late runs after quit time for 25 mans.

ZA is the same way in that it is ran mostly based on people just asking when they see enough on. There has been a bit of drama lately with it and people not wanting to go enough or caring to improve enough for 3 timers. My general feeling is that the majority of runs will get 2 timers with occassional 3 timer runs and occassional completely horrid runs heh. I'd say probably 1 ZA run happens per week, but that is purely a guess.

25 mans are ran tuesdays and fridays with invites at 7:30 server and start at 8. The focus is currently Vashj then Kael. Threads are posted each week for signups. While only being kara/heroic geared could mean a slight undergearing, we usually are struggling to get 25 people anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if you could get on every 25 man raid if you so wanted. It is by no means required though. Raiding is purely optional.

So there is an attempt by me to give you some idea of the state of things in the guild so you have some clue if it might work or might not work for you.

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Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - by swirly - 08-22-2008, 07:24 PM

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