Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one
So, Frag is a good friend of mine, and we'd been talking this summer about my lack of a good guild on my server. It's not even the lack of a good guild, it's the lack of anything casual on my server.

I'm a horde prot pally tried and true. I've got the gear to get into, and hold my own in Kara, and tank most heroics. I haven't tried several of the 'nastier' heroics because....... well my server is all about 'easy PUG's' where everyone is t5-6 geared and it's badge farming 45min runs. I was in a guild with a raid calendar and multiple runs a week (kara). They did it this way so that we could have fun, not have to worry about an attendance policy, and get badges.

Well.... After a couple of weeks, and a couple of HORRID debacles, I got 0 badges as a result of the guild. All my badges came from heroics or PuG partials on Kara.

What am I looking for? A home. Some place where I can set up a run and go do kara, gruuls, and mags, and maybe (hopefully) before Wotlk get in some ZA runs.

Is Terenas a place where I could do this? I know you guys are in Hyjal and BT, but he said that it wasn't a guild like what I was used to. If it's not a guild where I can get what I need, that's totally cool, I'm just weighing options right now. If you want to know what my pally is geared in, check the sig, that's what I run 5 mans and heroics in. I can attain uncrush without sacrificing too much. I stay above 12k hp, and 14k armor unbuffed.

Let me know, or let me know if there is a lurker place that I could call home. I'm just wanting to see as much of my content wish list as possible before Wotlk.
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Messages In This Thread
Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - by shoju - 08-22-2008, 06:05 PM

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