Arenas vs. Paladins
Quote:I'm a Priest. I'm fighting against either a holy or ret Paladin.

What buffs, other than the obvious Blessing of Protection, Blessing of Freedom, and Divine Shield, should I bother dispelling?

This is a weak spot in my play that I recently realized, so I'd like to know from the viewpoint of an experienced PvP Paladin what buffs are very annoying to be dispelled. Keep in mind that dispelling these costs me a GCD, and in some pressure situations that's a big deal. What buffs other than those big three above are worth me spending a valuable GCD (and mana) in a pressure situation to get rid of immediately?

I'm also not referring to the obvious scenario of nuking buffs off of the currently designated focus target. Let's say the holy Paladin has Kings on him at the start of the match, and he's not the focus target. I strip it off. He recasts it on himself. Worth stripping it off again, or a waste of time and mana to bother? How about self-buffs on Ret pallies who are trying to own ma fase?

Thanks for the tips.


Can't say much about Ret, but I occasionally use rank 1 blessings on myself to trick trigger happy dispellers into wasting mana and GCDs, and to protect useful things from felpuppy devour.

Most Holy Pallies (myself included) take 3/3 Improved Righteous Fury for the 6% damage reduction, and it's a very expensive spell for us to recast at 708 MP, so it's worth dispelling. Most Retardins doing the usual 41/20 Ret/Prot build will also have Improved Righteous Fury.

Kings is handy, but after you go through the extra MP, it's usually better to switch to Wisdom for the MP regen. This might not be an issue in 5's where you can conceivably disappear for a second and drink a little. You can't downrank Kings, though.

You also want to kill Blessing of Sacrifice the second it appears. It won't show up often, only when the Pally is expecting a CC of some kind to hit him (I always use BoSac if there's a hidden player at the start of the match to prevent Sap), but since it's on a 30 second cooldown, dispelling it means he can't get out of Wyvern Sting, Sheep, Sap, and other break-on-damage effects for free.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Messages In This Thread
Arenas vs. Paladins - by Bolty - 07-09-2008, 04:54 PM
Arenas vs. Paladins - by Artega - 07-09-2008, 08:12 PM
Arenas vs. Paladins - by Sir_Die_alot - 07-10-2008, 02:25 PM

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