04-30-2008, 12:11 AM
Quote:I bugged an applicant to my guild with the following questions to see how he'd respond. See how you fare!
01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient?
02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?
03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?
04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?
05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?
06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?
07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank?
08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro?
09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers.
10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?
11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding?
1. Embarrassing to say but I don't know actually know the math on CoH's healing co-efficient. As to why CoH and Renew are different: CoH is an instant cast spell and also an AOE spell (both of which suffer healing coefficient penalties). For renew, the healing coefficient is based on the duration on the 15 second duration of the HoT.
2. Tidal Surge does 8500 damage. I'd say 9.5k health is a bare minimum for a safety margin, but more always helps. It's possible to pre-shield yourself against the Tidal Surge, but its not a tactic I would rely on every single time (you may need to shield someone else in the raid for example).
3. Pre-emptive healing (Shield, PoM, renew)? Nothing else comes to mind off the top of my head.
4. The answer depends on your spec. Circle of Healing priests will use that spell almost exclusive to heal damage from the Bloodboil ticks. Divine Spirit priests will probably use a combination of Prayer of Healing and Renew.
5. Levitate keeps you out of the action longer. You can only use instant cast spells while airborne, and you will most likely be out of range of the people you need to heal. If you use a "4 corners strat" (where groups get air bursted together and run from doomfires together) for Archimonde, Circle of Healing is amazing for neturalizing air burst (cast twice, pause, use tears, cast again, land, cast, group at full health).
6. Greater Heal. GH is the staple of tank healing, but GH7 costs far too much mana too sustain for an entire fight, no matter how many tricks you pull. (And even if you could sustain it, GH7 is rarely necessary, so you can save mana for other spells). I hae GH2, GH4 and GH7 on my hot bars, but others may use different combos. The Avatar 2-set bonus (100 mana off GHs that heal the target to full) in particular rewards strategic downranking of your Greater Heal spell.
7. Sadly I don't know the answer to this one off the top of my head either.
8. If my memory of Fade mechanics is correct, it provides an immediate flat reduction in threat, plus any spells cast while it is active will generate less threat. Whether your heal actually pulls aggro depends on how much aggro the heal generates, and how much threat the tank has at the time.
9. First, Prayer of Mending provides a buffer against the initial damage to the tank while healers are moving into position. Secondly, Prayer of Mending heals are counted as being cast by the person with the buff, therefore any threat generated by PoM is assigned to the person it heals, not the priest. It works out to approximately 1000 free threat - more so if your tank is a paladin with Righteous Fury active.
10. PvP trinket. The Medallion of the Alliance (and its equivalents) breaks you out of the stun and stops the DoT. Since you're stunned by Ice Bolt, there is little else you can do except hope the other healers are on the ball.
11. Elixir of Draenic Wisdom for the battle elixir. Elixir of Healing Power or Elixir of Mastery for the battle elixir slot depending on whether you want more healing, or more regen. Golden Fish Sticks for your well fed buff, unless you want extra stamina from your food buff. Brilliant Mana Oil for your weapon coating.
I think that covers everything. Now I'm off to look up the math questions.