The official "What did you get for Christmas?" thread
Quote:Don't let Loki hear you say that, or he'll purr you to death. :shuriken:

My dad also sent me a $40 Wal-Mart gift card for Christmas, and I finally used it the other day. Picked up the Oblivion GOTY package and am enjoying being a kleptomaniacal dark elf assassin. I stole all of the Legion armor out of the South Tower while I was there getting the tax records for the Gray Fox, hope nobody checks the cabinet in my shack before I fence it all. :wacko:

There's a GOTY pack? Need to look at that.

As for Loki: Bring it on... pussy!
Former webmaster.

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When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

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The official "What did you get for Christmas?" thread - by Crusader - 01-15-2008, 08:42 AM

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