10-12-2007, 04:20 AM
Quote:Most DPS warriors do not use HS because of the threat issue it represents as DPS warriors are already riding a thin line with aggro and presently have no way to drop it.
Not really. here here here
Quote: Your merging of the trees basically turns Warriors into two hit wonders, a DPS setup and a Tank setup where as now you have a lot more variety with people running 2H MS/Slam DPS with 31/30/0, Fury DPS with 17/44/0, Off Tank with x/y/15, and True tank of 5+x/y/45+z (seen a lot of 11/5/45, some 8/5/48, and a few other variants of that). What you suggest makes less play style options and makes Warriors even more cookie cutter than they already are.
Not any more then they are 3 hit wonders right now. You could have raid tank, full PvE dps, mostly DPS with the PvP goodies like intercept and second wind, nearly all DPS with TC/demo for debuffing, off tank with the debuffs and a little dps for threat when not being attacked, and of course the brand new mostly prot but has MS so its possible to PvP. All of those are equally valid in my setup as opposed to the current 3 trees, and some are much more possible.
Quote:Why is it that only warriors seem to be moaning so much in this thread?
It's just the easy example we latched onto. There's only one warrior really moaning.
Warriors only have one real choice in PvP - imp intercept is loads better then the top half of arms.