I'm a bit down.
Quote:Under the "guilty-pleasure" category, I just watched Flash Gordon with my kids tonight. The movie is just fun and exciting; a timeless story with a wonderfully crafted soundtrack by Queen. A truly great movie for it's time.

I loved Flash. Still have it on my PC and the soundtrack is in my Winamp. Sure, graphics wise it's a pile of poo, but it's so over the top it's wonderful.

Movies I would recommend. hmmm.

Spirit, stallion of the cimmasomething always brings me to tears. Best Disney movie since Bambi. Because it has a horsey. *sniff*

Star Wars 4-6 never get old (1-3 are meh. No Darth Vader kewlness)
Lord of the rings still does it for me.
Matrix is ok
Behind enemy lines and Saving private Ryan are cool. Can be a bit depressing though, WW2 isn't a light theme, but I love WW2 movies.
pulp fiction (it's a funny movie)

I also love Anime!
Hellsing Ultimate is about a vampire hunting organisation employing, ironically, vampires. Very bloody. Lots of Nazis die violently. I like seeing nazis die violently.
Full Metal Alchemist is cool
Bleach is a long running series (still going strong) that is just plain fun.
Vampire Hunter D is a post-apocalyptic movie about a half-vampire trying to save a girl from a full vampire, one of the last of his kind.

mweh, all I can come up with 1-2-3.
Former www.diablo2.com webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

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I'm a bit down. - by [wcip]Angel - 11-07-2008, 08:51 PM
I'm a bit down. - by kandrathe - 11-07-2008, 09:08 PM
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