Virtual Terrorists, or Killing two birds with one stone
Quote:I see no need to make a new thread when this little tidbit fits in so perfectly with terrorism:

Black Hatters are at it again, and this time, no computer is safe from the dreaded elite terrorists hackers! In all seriousness though, at my work we use Micros computers and they went way out of their way to encrypt and code all data to and from our terminals to Visanet so the data never stays on our computers, but I'm willing to bet any hacker with real skill could crack that puppy in a few minutes flat.

Wow. Reminds me of an article I read a while back by a 'security expert', talked about a 'solid defense' against anyone. At the end of his post there was a comment and a link to another article, showing easy exploits in the majority of his list of items.

Guess it goes to show, nothing is ever as safe as it seems.

The final question is which is worse; the government monitoring your every phonecall, google holding all your searches in a database, or a hacker controling your computer with a Blue Pill Rootkit?



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Virtual Terrorists, or Killing two birds with one stone - by Munkay - 08-09-2007, 05:13 AM

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