05-29-2007, 02:56 AM
Quote:I can make it Thursday definitely, I had told Winkle Wednesday and Thursday would be best for me this week but apparently he hasnt said anything to anyone. So Ill be there Thursday I guess, sorry I cant make it Tuesday night but I have to work =\.
Heres the loot spread as far as I remember it:
Stalkers War Bands -- Taunshu
<span style="color:#009900">Damage Ring (spectral band of innervation) -- Sabramage
Edgewalker Longboots -- Zynli
Belt of the Gale -- Selendra
Maiden of Virtue-
Shard of the Virtuous -- Multanis
<span style="color:#009900">Healing Bracers (Bands of indwelling) -- Pen
-- That the loot as far as I remember it from last weeks runs. If someone wants to start a spreadsheet feel free, I have it written down at home but Im at a different computer atm.
So, Ill see ya Thursday night and if ya decide to change the day from Tuesday to Wednesday, Ill see ya Wednesday just let me know. Take care guys, see ya then.
edited for uh..correctness lol