05-24-2007, 11:39 PM
Quote:I solo Showdown pretty well. Rexxar and his menagerie make a pretty good tank team. I'm not sure if keeping Rexxar alive is a requirement of the quest, but the one time I actually did manage to kill Goc (Complete with kiting and "oh#$%&thisistheonlydirectionavailabletometoruntoandthereisanelitemobinthedamnway") I didn't get the kudos. Which sucked. Especially considering the trouble we've been having with this quest (Prior to the server restarts/patch Rexxar was spawning on the other side of Gruul's Lair and getting stuck on a spire of rock leaving everyone twiddling their thumbs in embarassment in the middle of a stuck scripted sequence), I think I deserve my damn Malefactor's Eyepatch. But noooooooo.
I'm afraid to quest now. There's no telling what they've screwed up.
Pre-patch you could complete this quest (if Rexxar wasnt already stuck) by running up to the totem in front of Goc as soon as you summoned him. That would prevent Rexxar from getting stuck. Afaik in order to get credit for the quest you need to either do more damage than Rexxar and his friends or let Rexxar die and get the killing shot (neither of which I could do solo). It wouldnt surprise me if it is still bugged though, it has been that way for many months.
Moors ~ Blood Knight, Terenas
Sinomin ~ Rogue, Terenas
I stab!
Sinomin ~ Rogue, Terenas
I stab!