Do Shamans have a place in end game content?
Resurrection for a pet peeve of mine...

They put in all this synergy, then they make it pretty much impossible to take advantage of it. Assuming a 3x7 2x2 class balance (and 3 of each healing class), if everybody specs a different tree you only have 5 healers, which really doesn't cut it.

If they had all this synergy back in the 40 man days (well I guess they did for a month or so, but 95% of people spent most of that month doing PvP anyhow) and had 5 of each class, it would be much easier to get an elemental and dare I say a oomkin or a retnoob into a raid. 25 is just too tight, you have to look at what are the "best" hybrids, which are probably ferals and shadows. The rest of them find a hard time get a spot unless you are really stacking that particular class.

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Do Shamans have a place in end game content? - by oldmandennis - 05-05-2007, 01:19 AM

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