Looking for a bit of help from the trustworthy Lurkers :P

Hi all;

My 14 year old disabled son will be getting an account and I was wondering if anyone has or would be willing to make a low level alt to join he and I. I would also like to see him join the lurkers..I tend to be very cautious about who he plays with..his birthday is Sat and he will be having several days at one hour per he will be allowed to play.

<span style="color:red"> Terenas<!--/sizec-->

<span style="color:orange">
Tamainelka- ----62 O Hunter(Eng/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Sharissea--------23 BE Hunter(Skin/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Kaiyleri-----------17 BE Warlock(Tail/Ench)
<span style="color:orange">
Crysalisse--------05 BE Mage(Alch/Herb)
<span style="color:orange">
Paksarrian--------01 BE Paladin(LW/Smith)


Messages In This Thread
Looking for a bit of help from the trustworthy Lurkers :P - by ShadoweSpirit - 04-18-2007, 07:56 PM

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