02-27-2007, 11:47 PM
Quote:IMO, what I think Blizzard is trying to balance out is to put the 'tank' specs (druid/warrior/pally) ahead of the other specs in tanking. I.E. put a feral druid or prot pally ahead of the DPS warrior for tanking.
This makes no sense IMHO given the flexibility that a druid and paladin bring to a raid over a dps warrior. And yet Blizzard continually propogates the raiding instances with dps plate so its obvious that Blizzard sees raid groups bringing dps warriors to a raid. I'd say given the way that they've brought rage up, added more AOE threat for warriors and reduced Bear threat via swipe that Blizzard is trying to bring warriors/druids and paladins in line below protection warriors for tanking.