02-26-2007, 08:52 PM
Quote:So are druids the only healer class who feel they are any good, though they still have the rez issue.
Eh... Personally I accept that I have limitations as a healer and try to do better with the tools I do have. That's always been the druid strategy, we have relatively few tools for any given role, so we have to make the best of them.
I hate mob AOE attacks, 'cause my best option is either Tranquility (10-minute cooldown) or throw lifebloom and hope that people can stay alive until the bloom goes off (7 seconds).
On the other paw, I shine when damage is either predictable (healing touch) or intermittent and limited to about 1-2k (lifebloom and/or rejuvenation). Lifebloom is in particular extremely efficient, and very fast to cast on several people - 220 mana for 2k healing (after +healing), and an instant-cast? Yes! Rejuvenation for a similiar amount, costing 470 mana but giving dodge? Yes! And both can be cast on the move.
Why PoMending is better than Lifebloom: LB goes off in 7 seconds, PoM goes off right away, only when it's needed.
Why priests are better than druids: PW:S and PoM anticipate damage for you, and you can fade mobs off onto the tank instead of having to go bear, plus you have a great fast heal that's not horribly mana-inefficient like Regrowth.
IMO, priest > druid > paladin for healing.