01-30-2007, 08:49 PM
Quote::wacko:For this to happen, assuming the mob passed the 110%/130% barrier and tank hasn't gotten back in range yet (this is the case where the least amount of aggro would cause issues), you would need almost 70% more aggro than the tank at the time you pulled aggro. Now, given the barrier, you can be at 129% safely, so what move is happening that is causing a 41% spike in aggro?Crit shadow bolt + deaggro of some kind + dots still ticking + drain life in a futile attempt to live long enough for the tank to get it back.
Quote:Given a Warlock's HP total, I can see them tanking magic bosses more often. 20% more healing efficiency is as good as 17% less damage taken (well, so long as you're not dead). Searing Pain spam for threat, Intensity + Concentration Aura to prevent casting delays, Master Demonologist with a VW for 10% less taken or with a Fel for extra resists, Soul link to split damage with the pet.Drain life will easily be 500 hps and may be better than searing pain depending on how high you need the threat ceiling, but yea warlock tanks will probably be nice at some point.
Delgorasha of <The Basin> on Tichondrius Un-re-retired
Delcanan of <First File> on Runetotem
Delcanan of <First File> on Runetotem