Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us!
Quote:I do admit a Beastial Wrath talent for warriors would be overpowered, but as someone who solo-pvps a lot in bgs/world pvp/arenas I can agree with the warrior class needing help. Until you spend a lot of time being chain CC'd through a fight -- sometimes not even intentionally (i.e. aoe fear/frost nova/shadow fury directed at someone else) -- you probably can't empathize with the frustration that is playing the warrior class.

I read the official warrior forums and I've scanned the other class forums and not noticed the same amount of whining, so I think there is a real issue.

Blizzard's CMs' answers to this has been
1) we don't balance around 1v1
2) we balance warriors around groups (i.e. "get a pocket healer")
3) we think warriors are/have been overpowered so warriors didn't get buffs

1 & 2 are downright scary. 3 *had* some merit -- it doesn't any longer.

And the other obvious answer is "wait till 70". We'll see.
Last time I looked the overall warrior population was between 15-20% of all players. The census site is down at the moment. For one class out of 9 this is quite much.

I guess that 90% players have at least played a warrior for a longish time or even have a level 60 warrior twink. This class is the most hands-on class of all classes. If you play a warrior you are in the midst of the action. Be it PVP or PVE you are there and doing something. There are so many things you can do as a warrior and there are so many ways to spec your warrior from defensive and turtlle to offensive and raw power.

The shortcomings are of course, being a warrior you have no range capability, no magical attacks, no way to remove magic, disease effects, poisons from yourself, no way to heal while fighting. And one large factor is of course the weapons you carry and the armour you wear. This comes to full effect in PVP where I guess 99% of all warriors are merely cannon fodder compared to the frightening arsenal mages, shadow priests, and warlocks bring to the table.

But that last one percent, that got the Über-weapons from Naxxramas and Ahn'Qiraj Temple, that miniscule fragment of the whole warrior population towers above all the rest. Because in those short moments where these powerhouses are not feared, frozen, blacked out, or conflagrated they tear through the thickest armour in seconds and wade through clothies and felling them like little boys beheading dandelions.

I do not want even 10% of all warriors like that.
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!

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Warrior Talent Review for the Whiner in all of us! - by Arnulf - 01-14-2007, 10:21 AM

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