01-10-2007, 04:32 PM
Quote:I couldn't really agree more with Xusilak, but I'm wondering if any math wizards can find flaws with this system. There are some spells that Blizzard clearly doesn't want to scale 100%, such as Mind Flay, but I'm sure that can be handled even with the more simplified Spell Power system.
Sure, if all else remained equal that'd work. Except, it doesn't, does it? You've got convoluted health/mana efficiency ratios, instants, cooldowns, crazy resistence checks.
While I do agree offense outpaces defense as equipment scales, the system in whole is messy and complicated enough that one answer just won't do the trick. That might work for fireball and greater heal. PoM Pyro x5? Nuh uh. Cleanse, purge, kill?
You'd need some revolutionary (for wow) defensive abilities to close the spike gap. . . and given the current boss philosophy of 'do more damage requiring more equipment', that's just probably not going to happen.