On LCD Monitors
So, as is the custom with my family, we cracked open the presents on the 24th instead of the 25th, so we can sleep in the following morning:)

Along with a shirt and some other nominal gifts, I received an LCD monitor for this year. I have yet to test it for dead pixels (which I'll do tomorrow, I imagine), and haven't been able to find a review on any of the major sites for this specific model.

Some basic specs for it:

Westinghouse LCM-17v8

Native Resolution: 1280x1024
Response Time: 8ms
Contrast Ratio: 450:1
Maximum Brightness: 300 Nits (What's a Nit?)

While the 8ms response time is a good thing, as I recall, I'm worried about the contrast ratio. From what I've read (reviews for 17" LCDs are fairly old), it should be at least 500:1 to 600:1; will a 450:1 cause significant differences in color richness and depth?

Another concern is the native resolution; with my current CRT monitor (which I like), I run most programs at 1024x768 @ 85Hz, with more demanding programs or programs that require high framerates (such as CS:S, UT2k4, Doom3, and Quake 4) at lower resolutions to increase framerates. If I lower the refresh rate of my monitor, I can usually run 1280x1024 with few problems, but lower refresh rates cause increased eyestrain/eye fatigue. Do LCDs even have a refresh rate selection? I can't find any mention of refresh rates in the specs either online or in the user's manual, so I'm assuming it's locked at a particular refresh rate.

Next, because I will inevitably have to lower the resolution to play certain games, how much of a difference does it make running games at a significantly lower resolution (such as 800x600)? Will this cause excessive blurring and artifacting, or would it be mostly agreeable?

Third, I can't find any real mention of Westinghouse on many review sites (and it's generally LCD TVs on the sites that do have listings), and I don't know whether to take this as good or bad. What's the general reputation of Westinghouse? Are they reliable? It has a ten year limited replacement warranty that I haven't fully read just yet, but I'd rather not have to use the warranty at all.

I'm somewhat concerned about whether I should keep this gift or have it returned in exchange for something else (the car could use some repairs...), because I do not know if I have a computer capable of using an LCD monitor to its fullest. I run a 128MB Sapphire Radeon 9600XT on an AthlonXP 2500+ with 512MB RAM, and I don't think that's going to be enough to run most programs at 1280x1024 at acceptable framerates. I thoroughly enjoy my current CRT, and hence wasn't really expecting or wanting an LCD monitor; while it would be useful for watching movies and surfing, I do not think it would be a good idea to keep it for use in such a limited capacity when I could have the money refunded and returned or used elsewhere.

Would it be a better idea to keep this or return it for something else?
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Messages In This Thread
On LCD Monitors - by Artega - 12-25-2006, 03:59 AM
On LCD Monitors - by Rhydderch Hael - 12-25-2006, 07:30 AM
On LCD Monitors - by Concillian - 12-29-2006, 02:53 AM

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