11-27-2006, 09:59 PM
Quote:You mentioned Horde, Lissa, please bear in mind that in TBC the only distinction between factions is racials which are pretty trivial
Quote:In correct on so many levels. For a Nefarian fight you have to deal with a fear that Nefarian kicks off.
Quote:Tank it with a paladin....have an off-tank step in with his PvP trinket or his black smithing trinket.
Quote:At present, Horde does not have Paladins, thus my comments.
This whole conversation is predicated on TBC being out. Horde will have paladins, but not fear ward. The question is, could a horde healer guild handle a Nefarian style boss (Deathwing maybe?) with an AOE fear who needs to be tanked 98% or so of the time. The answer is probably yes, with a trinket rotation.