11-22-2006, 02:19 PM
Quote:Seems that way. The filename for the "patch" is "wow-partial-1.mpq".Draenei & new Bloodelf models are definitely in there. 2.0 PTR has Draenei ambassador in Darnassus, the Bloodelf teleport guy in Undercity (my is that bloke arrogant!), and even a new quest giver at the Bulwark.
That, and the Background downloader is being whomped pretty hard. Getting my copy of the partial off of Filefront.
I'll comment more in about... twenty minutes.
20 minutes later...
Partial patch, yup. BNupdate refuses to touch this thing, but my MPQViewer cracked that baby wide open on the first attempt.
A very vast portion of the patchfile contains a hell of a lot of interface files, the remaining sliver being DB updates. Looks like Blizz is just getting the frontend in place before giving us the content.
One thing of note: It seems that the dressing room backgrounds for draenai and blood elves are in there, plus a lot of other BE/D UI gubbins. I've got the full listfile if anyone is curious.
Also the ship to Azuremyst isle docks in Auberdine. Tried it. Got dropped in the sea.
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