11-21-2006, 04:12 AM
Quote:yes I'm seriousYour glib responses make me seriously question how much raiding experience you have & your knowledge of class abilities/game mechanics.
- Sunder is an armor reducer as well.
- Mortal strike is useful on bosses that heal (think Ebonroc).
- spell reflect is a base skill, I assume it will be critical in some fight down the road... take priest's MC for example, coming out of BWL I'd have guesses it would never seriously be used in a raid, but then along comes Razuvious
- rogue stuns are more becoming more useful (I think Blizzard made a mistake with MC & rogue utility)... Sartura is a good example of where they help
- hunters pulling is nice, I think you underestimate it (I've done MC & BWL in under 2:30... a good hunter pulling is crucial in MC).
- aspect of the pack is useful in movement fights... i.e. Twinemps
- warlocks park their imp & phase shift it = no range worries on 95% of the fights (Ossirian is the 5%).
you cite your "healing capacity" as a fallback quite a lot, if 75% of your raid is required to heal to compensate for your other weaknesses, you're going to be compounding your weaknesses
It depends on what you want to do with this healing guild. If you want to run 5 and 10-mans, you'll probably be able to do that. If you want to run the 25-mans, you may be able to run over the "MC equivalent" (if there even ends up being such a thing). As soon as Blizzard designs an encounter that requires a Warrior (or a Warlock, Hunter, Rogue, or a Mage) you're SOL, and the premise of your guild falls apart.