LvL 9 Dueler
I thought it might be fun to build a level 9 dueler. Here is my plan and what I have to work with.

20 Skill points (8 from level up, 6 fron Izual, 3 From Radaments Lair, and 3 from the Den of Evil)

55 Stat Points (40 from Level up, 15 from Lam Esens tome)

I plan to put 4 points into multishot, 1 into magic arrow, and the rest into Dodge and Critical Strike.

Here are my questions...

1.) How should I split the points between Dodge and Crit Srtike?

2.) I forsee mana problems and need advice here. Mana steel is probably to high level requirements and plus xx mana after each kill won't work for dueling. Either way my Damage will probably be too low to leech enough anyway. Are there any low level items that add a substantial amount of mana and are usefull for this character?

3.) Is it worthwhile to pump Dex a bit or should I go for the minimum Dex possible to get more life?

4.) Does anyone have any equipment suggestions. I have 2 good plans, but NO ideas for jewelry and I probably will just add charms as they become available instead of looking for specific ones.

Here are 2 possibilities:

Full Arctic set(Flawed topaz in bow, Flawed ruby in armour), Biggin's Bonnet(Flawed ruby), Gorefoot


Death's Glove and Sash, Biggin's Bonnet(flawed ruby), Gorefoot, Greyform(Flawed ruby), Arctic Horn (Flawed sapphire)

Both have their advantages and dissadvantages.

Here are the things they are equal at:

Both give "Cannot be Frozen"
Both add 15 to mana
Both add 20% to Attack Rating
Both have 2% mana Stolen
Both have 20% Fast run/walk
Both have ATD of 2

Here are the differences:
Arctic has better Cold resist (75% vs. 35%)
Death's is better fire resist(35% vs. 10%)
Death's is better lightning resist(15% vs. 10%)
Death's is much better poison res (50% vs. 10%) and has Poison length -------reduced by 75%
Death's gives an 11 frame atack vs. 12 frames with arctic
With minimum dex and str, Arctic will give + 159 to life while Death's gives -------109
Arctic adds more AR (152 vs. 30)
Arctic getc a damage upper with cold damage of 26-44 vs. 3-5 and lightning -------damage of 1-14 vs. 0
Death's gives 13% life steal vs. 0 with arctic
Death's adds Magic Damage reduced by 3

I can't decide. Perhaps keeping both on hand would be best?

EDIT: Major changes to whole thing
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci

Messages In This Thread
LvL 9 Dueler - by Albion Child - 05-27-2003, 06:35 AM
LvL 9 Dueler - by NERDmanWhippy - 05-27-2003, 11:35 AM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Baajikiil - 05-27-2003, 02:57 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Baajikiil - 05-27-2003, 03:00 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by kier - 05-27-2003, 06:21 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Albion Child - 05-27-2003, 07:15 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by SwiftSlayer2 - 05-27-2003, 07:24 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Bowa - 05-28-2003, 02:02 AM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Albion Child - 05-29-2003, 04:23 AM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Wapptor - 05-29-2003, 03:03 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Wapptor - 05-29-2003, 03:08 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by kier - 05-30-2003, 10:46 AM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Taem - 05-30-2003, 09:01 PM
LvL 9 Dueler - by Albion Child - 06-01-2003, 07:51 PM

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