10-24-2006, 01:09 PM
Quote:The wonderfulness of Dutch newspapers has nothing to do with a fool calling himself eppie who asserts that "North Korea is next" thanks to a lack of understanding, a narrow world view, and a lack of wit. You make the fallacious presumption that if you dislike a party enough, and can point to odious decisions -- BushCo in this case -- any assertion you make can be presumed true. If you keep making foolish assertions, I'll be happy to bust your chops for it.
I agree that North Korea will probably not be next because there is not much oil over there. But if I'm correct the US and NK are still officially in a state of war. I can imagine that Kim can think he might be subject of an invasion by the US, and if so I can imagine he wants to get a nuke. Not that I agree with him but is a thing that is called empathy something you and as a matter of fact also kim don't have.
Let's just put the facts in a row. Why did Bush invade Irak? Links with terrorists, possesion of WMDs and being a brutal dictator. Only the last one was true for Saddam (although the US and you) thought (wanted to think) that all three were correct.
Now NK: we KNOW they have WMDs, we know that he is a brutal dictator and we are scared that he might help international terrorism (I don't agree with the last one but the people in charge...and you seem to think so). This is at least 2 out of 3....more than in Iraq.