Ha ha ha...I have to share this with you all
My D2 playing friends and I have this inside joke about all the idiot 1337 players on B.net. They are known to us as the "OMG j00 n00b use firewall idiot" people. I always regarded the phrase as a joke...but somebody actually said it to me today! :lol:

If I had some hosting space I'd post the screenshot...but I'll just write out the conversation instead. This took place during a normal cow run with my blaze/tstorm sorc.

Moron was slain by Hell Bovine.
Moron: blaze damage?
Me: 253-271
Moron: why u use it it sux
Moron: use firewall
Me: lol
Me: you've just made my day
Me: tstorm and blaze
Moron: blaze
Me: i have no points in energy =)
Moron: lol
Moron: wow ur sorc sux ass
Moron: make a new one

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!

Messages In This Thread
Ha ha ha...I have to share this with you all - by Vash - 05-25-2003, 01:02 AM

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